Tomorrow’s FuoriSalone
begins Today.
On the occasion of the FuoriSalone 2023 reality and imagination intertwine weaving new and suggestive urban and architectural configurations, challenging the laws of matter, space and physics.
An absolute preview that debuts with the Milano Design Week,an innovative digital experience that inaugurates the extraordinary foray into new modes with which to experience the spaces by releasing their revolutionary communicative potential.
A signed installation Torre Velasca c that once again, 66 years after its birth, is spokesperson for a Re-Evolution: to trigger contaminations between different knowledge and disciplines, to inspire connections between people and places, to project everyone’s imagination towards new paradigms and interpretations of reality.
A digital exploration that Hines entrusts to the inspiration and talent creative of the designer Elena Salmistraro , becoming part of the widespread Exhibition-Event INTERNI Design Re-Evolution.